What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibre which is mined in various parts of the world, notably South Africa and Canada. It occurs in three forms known as blue, brown and white asbestos. It can be processed in several ways for industrial use. Its properties of resistance to heat, electricity and sound, make it useful for a variety of purposes, particularly brake linings and insulation.

Asbestos is still present in a wide variety of buildings, including hospitals, schools and homes, often in walls and ceilings as well as in pipe insulation and flooring products. It can be a hazard to health and for this reason its use has declined considerably in recent years. Strict regulations now exist to prevent dangerous levels of exposure.

Why is asbestos dangerous?

Asbestos containing materials (acm's) in good condition often pose no threat to health. The danger arises from asbestos containing materials becoming damaged or disturbed, this then causes the asbestos fibres to become airborne and able to be inhaled. There are four main diseases caused by the inhalation of asbestos:

Must all asbestos be removed?

Although there are lots of asbestos removal companies that are only too happy to tell you that your asbestos must be removed, removal is not always the only option.

If the asbestos containing material is in good condition and unlikely to be disturbed it is possible to encapsulate the material to eliminate the potential for fibre release.

How much will it cost to maintain or remove my asbestos?

Due to the many different materials, locations and conditions, each project has to be assessed on its own merit.

We at Crystal Environmental Services will strive to provide the most competitive quote for all asbestos related projects but will never compromise our professionalism.

For more information on asbestos from the Health and Safety Executive please click on the link below
